Saturday, December 4, 2010


Have a deck of cards but bored with the usual game of poker? Well, now, you can try out this card game called bridge. It has got nothing to do with playing this game on top of any bridge. However, this game can bridge generation gaps. It can be played by anyone, regardless of age.

My Bridge Experience
Recently, I played this game with my grandparents. I had always thought that when a youngster plays any game with an elderly, generally, being physically stronger, the youngster will always win. Nevertheless, I was taken aback when out of five games, I only won the first one! This shows that it does not matter how physically strong or weak you are but the mental preparation that determines the victory.

Bridge can become a hobby but be careful as it can be addictive. To start, all you need are just two decks of cards. Tips and tricks and also steps on how to play are available here.
Also, check out the common terms used for this game.

Brigde Club
Bridge also helps in enhancing your social life. You can join bridge clubs nearest to you and make new friends from different walks of life.Singapore Contract Bridge Association (SCBA) and  the Tanglin Bridge Club are some of the bridge clubs that you might be interested in. For online gamers, you can also play bridge online or for yahoo users, try the yahoo online bridge game!

I will be playing online and might also join the clubs to master my bridging skills. At this very moment, 65014 people are starting on this hobby. Try it out and most importantly, HAVE FUN! :)