Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lip Reading

You might know what lip reading is but do you realize that there are a lot of people out there who are picking up lip reading as a hobby?

Lip reading is indeed a very interesting hobby. Since it is a form of communication, you can drag along you're loved ones into this hobby! This can help strengthen bonds between family members!

Below are a video on lip reading. Feel free to watch! Enjoy this hobby!:)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Painting Flame

Do not be intimidated by this artificial flame! This are not real ones. There are just made by paintings. Amazing isn't it? It look so realistic and convincing!

So how do these artiste paint them? This video will clear our doubt.

I shall try this techniques to create a flame painting. Try it yourself and experience this new hobby! Much patience are needed though. Good luck!:)

Monday, February 21, 2011


Now that exam is coming, most of us are busy studying. No free time for hobbies? Well, not really true as this hobby I am going to introduce today is not time consuming as long as you have the passion.

So, what really is lomography?

It is a new take on an old style of analogue photography. It is like combining and old picture to a modern style! Sounds interesting? Take it up as a hobby! To know more about lomography, you can visit this website
http://www.thirtysix.com.sg/ . Check out this lomograph which might interest you! Also, you can just google them!